Having human papillomavirus infection does not mean that you will have cancer. Knowing what the infection and the virus consists of can prevent this epidemic in the future and, over the years, cancer of the cervix.

It is estimated that with the use of the vaccine worldwide in 30 years after vaccinating the girls (before having sex), the possibility of infection and therefore the cases of cervical cancer will decrease. Hence the importance of vaccination of all women and especially of girls in developing countries, where cervical cancer has high mortality.

Education is important for prevention. Knowing the implications of having an infection, such as teaching children and adolescents to lead a responsible sex life, is the cornerstone of the prevention of any sexually transmitted disease.

Improving eating habits, avoiding smoking and having a responsible sex life, will help not to get the human papillomavirus.
The annual cervicovaginal cytology will help to detect, in case of infection, cellular changes in very early stages. Periodic surveillance and monitoring by medical experts will make early detection of cancer cases less aggressive than in more advanced stages where case mortality is already implicit.

  • Prevention against Papillomavirus infection will occur with:
    – A responsible sex life.
    – Sex education.
    – Annual gynecological check-ups.
    – Avoid smoking.
  • Vaccination will now be the cornerstone for prevention.